Tuesday 24 January 2012

The Mad Max 300cc Road Legal Quad

Funbikes welcomes the Mad Max 300cc Road Legal Quad!

This fantastic ATV is new to the UK but has undergone extensive testing by the manufacturer and their European counterparts. This particular road legal quad bike, with its top speed of 100KMH, is so popular that over 3000 units have already been sold!

The great things about the EGL 300cc Mad Max is that it can legally carry two people and the generously sized seat allows you, and a passenger, to find easily a comfortable position immediately.

The engine in this particular quad is Taiwanese and runs and accelerates smoothly while also offering a great braking system and unrivaled suspension when compared to other quad bikes within this price bracket.

The Mad Max operates with a manual clutch and 5 speed gear capabilities and also has a reverse option.

In producing this quad bike the engineers at ECL have succeeded in building a full functional road legal quad bike with features more likely to be seen on a much more expensive model.

Buy your Mad Max 300cc from Funbikes today - while stocks last!

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